유머천국 코하비닷컴

2017 캐나다의 일하기 좋은 회사 Top 100

캐나다에는 Globe and Mail 이라는 신문이 있는데, 요게 판매부수로 보자면, 캐나다 전체에서 아슬아슬하게 2위정도 차지하고 있습니다.

우리나라로 치자면 좃중동 중에서 중앙일보 수준이라고 해야할까요? 물론 논조는 전혀 다릅니다만...

저도 몇번 여기 기사를 읽어보려고 했는데... 요기 기사가 다른 신문보다는 좀 어렵습니다. 

어려운 단어도 많이 나오고, 좀 오래된 관용구도 많이 나오고 해서 별로 들어가고 싶지 않은 뉴스 사이트이긴 합니다만...

어쨌든 이 신문에서 매년 대대적으로 하는 행사가 있으니 바로바로 캐나다에서 직원들에게 괜찮은 회사 Top 100 (which employers lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces for their employees.) 이라는 이벤트입니다.

요렇게 따로 웹사이트도 있고...

뽑힌 회사 홈페이지 같은 곳 들어가면, 꼭 요 표시를 자랑스럽게 붙여놓은 걸로 봐서는 어느 정도 권위가 인정되어 있는 조사라고 해야할까요?

올해도 여지없이 이 Top 100 리스트를 뽑았는데요... 이 전에는 그냥 그런가 보다 하고 쑥 훓고 지나갔지만, 오늘은 한번 요 리스트에 대해서 분석을 해 보겠습니다.

왜냐? 전 쓸데없는 일 정리하는 게 취미거든요...

일단 평가기준...

(1) Physical Workplace - 회사 위치와 편의시설 등등...

(2) Work Atmosphere & Social - 직원들끼리 얼마나 잘 노느냐...

(3) Health, Financial & Family Benefits - 보험 등등...

(4) Vacation & Time Off - 휴가 및 년차 등등...

(5) Employee Communications - 직원들과의 소통...

(6) Performance Management - 직원 평가 메니지먼트...

(7) Training & Skills Development - 트레이닝 서포트...

(8) Community Involvement - 주변 커뮤니티에 도움이 많이 주느냐? 즉 지역행사에 찬조를 많이 하느냐?

일단 평가기준만 놓고 보자면, 타당한 기준이라고 보여지는데... 과연 저걸 어떻게 조사했느냐가 관건이겠네요. 설문조사를 돌렸남? 아님 직접 위장취업을 해서 알아보았남? 흠...

그럼... 해당 100개의 회사 리스트입니다. 칸이 많다보니 같은 리스트를 2개로 잘라놓았습니다.
일단 지역별, 그리고 종업원 수, Industry 분야로 분류해 봤습니다.

Company Province City Industry EmployeAlberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc Alberta Boyle Pulp and paper mills 408National Energy Board Alberta Calgary Federal government 460Graham Group Alberta Calgary Construction 1,036Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Alberta Calgary Law firm 1,417Agrium Inc Alberta Calgary Agriculture products and fertilizer manufacturing 3,440Enbridge Inc Alberta Calgary Natural gas distribution 5,848Shell Canada Ltd Alberta Calgary Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction 8,307Shaw Communications Inc Alberta Calgary Communications, cable and subscription programming 10,921PCL Construction Alberta Edmonton Construction 2,865R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. BC Burnaby Engineering 115Simon Fraser University BC Burnaby Universities 2,903Nature’s Path Foods Inc BC Richmond Food manufacturing 185College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC BC Vancouver Professional organizations 126Raymond James Ltd BC Vancouver Investment banking 840Goldcorp Inc BC Vancouver Gold mining 3,291West Fraser Timber Co BC Vancouver Sawmills 5,449Provincial Health Services Authority / PHSA BC Vancouver Hospitals 10,346Telus Corp BC Vancouver Telecommunications 23,328HP Advanced Solutions Inc BC Victoria Computer systems design services 463BC Public Service BC Victoria Provincial government 26,309Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Inc Manitoba Winnipeg Television broadcasting 138National Leasing Group Inc Manitoba Winnipeg Sales financing 350Ceridian Manitoba Winnipeg Payroll 1,597Manitoba Hydro Manitoba Winnipeg Hydroelectric power generation 6,001Cargill Ltd Manitoba Winnipeg Food and agricultural products 8,166Great-West Life Assurance Co Manitoba Winnipeg Insurance 10,938University of New Brunswick / UNB NB Fredericton Universities 1,762Med에이브이ie Blue Cross NB Moncton Insurance 1,896Irving Oil NB Saint John Petroleum refining distribution and retail 2,474Verafin Inc NL St John’s Computer programming 205CBCL Ltd NS Halifax Engineering 260Mars Inc ON Bolton Food manufacturing 1,068Loblaw Cos Ltd ON Brampton Supermarkets and grocery stores 28,481Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc ON Cambridge Automobile manufacturing 8,575Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd ON Chalk River Nuclear power technology and engineering 3,318Union Gas Ltd ON Chatham Natural gas distribution 2,245Stryker Canada Inc ON Hamilton Medical equipment and supplies wholesalers 246ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc ON Hamilton Iron and steel mills 9,765Digital Extremes Ltd ON London Software publishers 2323M Canada Co ON London Technology manufacturing 1,740IMAX Corp ON Mississauga Motion picture theatres 336World Vision Canada ON Mississauga Charitable organizations 479Samsung Electronics Canada Inc ON Mississauga Communications equipment manufacturing 517BASF Canada Inc ON Mississauga Chemical manufacturing 693Bayer Inc ON Mississauga Pharmaceutical manufacturing 1,522EllisDon Corp ON Mississauga Construction 1,721Hatch Ltd ON Mississauga Engineering 2,930General Electric Canada / GE ON Mississauga Diversified technology and equipment manufacturing 7,213PepsiCo Canada ON Mississauga Soft drink and food manufacturing 9,358Siemens Canada Ltd ON Oakville Engineering 4,904Ford Motor Co of Canada ON Oakville Automobile manufacturing 8,140Export Development Canada ON Ottawa International trade financing and support 1,287Bank of Canada ON Ottawa Central bank 1,550Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat ON Ottawa Finance spending and regulation 1,922Canadian Security Intelligence Service ON Ottawa National security 3,299NAV Canada ON Ottawa Air traffic control 4,807Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc ON Toronto Architecture 190Toronto International Film Festival / TIFF ON Toronto Motion picture promotion 228Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto ON Toronto Child and youth services 503Fidelity Canada ON Toronto Portfolio management 792Salesforce Canada Corp ON Toronto Computer programming 1,184Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd ON Toronto Publishers 1,196McCarthy Tétrault LLP ON Toronto Law firm 1,435Corus Entertainment Inc ON Toronto Media production and broadcasting 1,513Cisco Systems Canada Co ON Toronto Computer and equipment manufacturing 1,741Proctor & Gamble Inc ON Toronto Consumer product manufacturing 1,754SAP Canada Inc ON Toronto Computer programming 2,863Labatt Breweries of Canada ON Toronto Breweries 3,143Accenture Inc ON Toronto Management consulting 3,425Ubisoft Toronto
  • 박꾸네is뭔들 2017/01/28 16:38

    캐나다라면 왜만하면 다 일하기 좋을듯


  • 린토우킨 2017/01/28 16:46

    오늘도 가슴 속에 꿈만 키우며 스크랩을 합니다.

