이집트 윈도우는 괜찮겠쥬? ....ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
전 베네주엘라는 상관없지만 이집트 윈도우 구매해서....
Dear Customer,
We h에이브이e detected an incident in the order you h에이브이e made on the Microsoft Store website in Venezuela. The Microsoft Store website in Venezuela is intended for use by customers residing in that country or region. In addition, to complete your purchase, you must h에이브이e a valid billing and shipping address within that country or region. Your purchase does not meet the above criteria.
We will be making the return of your purchase and revoking the licenses in the next 72 hours, please wait 3 to 7 business days for the refunded amount to appear in your account. If you already h에이브이e the product installed, you will no longer be able to use it and you will h에이브이e to uninstall it.
To place a new order, please go to the Microsoft Store website that matches your credit card billing country or other payment method. You can view the list of Microsoft Store locations here.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Microsoft Store Care Team
베네주엘라 윈도우7 전면 환불 차단조치
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헉 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
베네수엘라는 가격 표기부터 바꿔놧던데 이집트는 그대로 되어 잇더라구요..
대신 이집트는 결제가 안되게 막아놓은 듯 해요..(어제 구매 시도...)
키를 막을 거 같지는 않던데...
다행이네요....뭐 환불해도 할 말은 없네예 ㅋ
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