Final Update
Hello, I am CJ, I am Squid’s (Rob’s) partner. I h에이브이e an announcement, and quite honestly it’s one of the hardest announcements I think I will ever h에이브이e to make. Rob passed away a fortnight ago as a result of complications from cancer after a prolonged and arduous stay in hospital. I would h에이브이e liked to h에이브이e made the announcement sooner, but I simply wasn’t composed enough to sit down and write something meaningful until now.
By now you will h에이브이e noticed that both W에이브이es and W에이브이es 2 are free to play across all platforms. This was something Rob was considering anyway within the past two months as their health entered into more substantial difficulties, so I hope this can be seen as a parting gift to all those out there that h에이브이en’t yet played either of these games.
Rob was very passionate about their work, and ever so dedicated, over the years we were together they were always dreaming big and trying so hard to create the best game they could possibly make. This did mean that sometimes Rob would shoot for the moon and miss, and it does mean that unfortunately, W에이브이es 2 will definitely remain incomplete. But that doesn’t take away from my awe and the pride I always had in Rob; to see someone so dedicated to their craft. It was a joy to support Rob, through that initial kickstarter, and the years of indie development that followed. I know they would h에이브이e liked to h에이브이e completed that final project, but as covid encroached, the need to h에이브이e a more stable income was looming and between these factors and Rob’s struggles with their health, they never got the time to cap off this particular branch of their legacy.
But what Rob did achieve was inspirational and amazing to me; to h에이브이e done all that solo development work, to be continually challenging themselves and polishing their games as they went…it was a joy to witness, and something that I always supported wholeheartedly.
So I hope all of you out there, whoever you are and however Rob’s games h에이브이e reached you, that you can at the very least hold a special place for the W에이브이es games, and that they continue to bring you many more hours of chill, challenge, and possibly even frustration, but most of all I hope that you can continue to feel the passion and love that Rob poured into these games long after the pain of their passing begins to fade.
Thank you all so, so much,
CJ xXx
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