유머천국 코하비닷컴


RUMOR: Some more High End APS-C camera tidbits…
Another (new!) source told me this about the new High end camera. Not sure if it’s true but I guess it is:
The Alpha 6900 is a limited 32Mp APS-C Exmor RS version of Alpha 1 (Resolution: 6912×4608). It limits the the continuous shooting speed to 20FPS. And It use a pure electronic shutter with fast flash synchronization time at 1/250s. So the body of Alpha 6900 is even lighter than Alpha 6600.
To sum up:
Basically, an a7c with an aps-c sensor.
same EVF, LCD resolution
same tilt screen
same new menus
only minor tweaks to a7c body
BUT improved IBIS using smaller APS-C sensor
New sensor
higher resolution over current APS-C line
same FPS as a6600 but now pushing larger files
improved low-light performance
reduced rolling shutter
video specs may be close to a7c
price similar to a7c
  • No.99_ALITA 2021/05/13 23:51

    정말 기계식 셔터를 삭제했을런지 모르겠네요


  • 뉴임 2021/05/13 23:53

    손떨방이 짐벌이 없이 찍히는 수준이 아니면 정말.. 큰 의미가 없는듯한 모델이네요..


  • No.99_ALITA 2021/05/13 23:54

    전자식 셔터 내용이 좀 커보입니다.


  • 프라이머_77D 2021/05/13 23:58

    price similar to a7c ㄷㄷ


  • bizzare.m 2021/05/14 00:06

    20연사 블랙아웃프리(란 말은 없긴 하지만)인데 a7c랑 비슷한 가격, 더 가벼운 무게..
    안믿기네요 -_-;; ㅋ

