유머천국 코하비닷컴

Godox V1 Flash Listed

이미 아시는 분들도 있겠지만.. adorama에 249달러로 올라왔네요.
요기 보면 스펙도 있는데..
Stable color temperature at 5600±200K over the entire power range
요게 눈에 띄이네요.
Key Features
Round zoom head design delivers the smoothest, most pleasing light ever to grace a speedlight
Command 4 Groups independently to the whole R2 Family
Internal Lithium Ion Polymer battery for 650 full power flashes
Flashpoint R2 Remote TTL System built right in
High Speed Sync for shutter speeds up to 1/8000 second
Powerful GN 92ft / 28m @ISO 100 50mm zoom
Compatibility: Made For Fujifilm
Flash Type: Shoe Mount Flash
Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X Features
Round zoom head design delivers the smoothest, most pleasing light ever to grace a speedlight
Magnetic round flash head rim holds a treasury of light modifiers
Beautiful Powerful Flash with GN 92ft / 28m @ISO 100 (50mm)
Uses an advanced Lithium-Ion Polymer battery for speedy recycle and longer life
Full power recycle time of fewer than 1.5 seconds
Approximately 650 full power flashes per charge
Remote Canon ETTL power control with the Flashpoint R2 System built-in
Complete compatibility with ETTL system features like exposure compensation, EXIF inscription, flash value lock, and High Speed Sync
R2 TTL communication flashes as a Master or Sl에이브이e
Control of 4 different wireless groups
Backlit Matrix LCD
Multipurpose Buttons with Digital Marking for Faster N에이브이igation
Zooming head with automatic zoom or manual control
High Speed Sync for shutter speeds up to 1/8000 second
Front or Rear Curtain Sync
Laser AF Assist Lamp For Instant Autofocus Even In Complete Dark On Low ContrastSurfaces
SMD LED Modeling Lamp
Regular and Intelligent Optical Sl에이브이e Modes
Stable color temperature at 5600±200K over the entire power range
330-degree rotation and 120+ degree tilt
Perfect for on and off camera use
flash power is still unknown but possibly similar to V860-II
round Fresnel head with 28-105mm zoom
li-ion battery-powered operation, 650 full pwr pops
~1s recycle time at full power
built-in modelling light in the head and video light on the front
AF-assist light
magnetic rim on the head for attaching accessories
head tilting backwards to ‘negative’ is possible
Power level: 1/1 – 1/256 in 0,1EV or 1EV increments
Radio Master and Sl에이브이e operation (no IR anymore)
Redesigned user interface and simplified menu system
Radio channel scanning function (to 에이브이oid interference)
Availability: 2019 March-April
이달 또는 다음달 출시 예상이랍니다.
  • 케레인 2019/03/07 12:22

    라운드라서 가이드넘버가 떨어지네요.
    기존시리즈는 50MM에서 34 정도 나왔는데 이건 28 밖에 안나오네요. 기존의 24MM 급이네요.
    그만큼 균일도가 높겠지만 구매예정이신 분들은 자기가 광량이 필요한지, 균일도가 필요한 지 확인하고 사세요.
    뭐... 전 사겠지만요. ㅋㅋ


  • Tramp™ 2019/03/07 13:03

    저도 삽니다 ㅎㅎ


  • spinmove 2019/03/07 13:11

    저도 무조건 삽니다. 빨리 출시되었으면 좋겠네요.


  • 뉴풀마기 2019/03/07 13:19

    결국 250달러네요 중국가격 봐야겠지만 가격이 저러면 의미가 없는 듯


  • 페이톤필름 2019/03/07 13:44

    휴~전 ad200으로 버팁니다....360급이 나온다면...설마겠죠..


  • 뉴풀마기 2019/03/07 13:45

    어 스펙을 다시 봤는데... 50mm에서 GN28이라고 되어있네요 이게... 35mm에서 GN28도 아니고... 50mm GN28이면 기존 플래시에 옴니댄거랑 별로 틀리지 않을거 같은데 실사용기가 나와봐야겠네요



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