유머천국 코하비닷컴

바티스 40 펌웨어 업그레이드 정보 2

바티스 40 펌웨어 업그레이드 관련해서
열심히 정보를 찾다가 아래와 같은 글을 봤네요.
2말 3초가 되지 않을까 한다고 합니다.
원문은 아래에
Dear Sean,
Thank you for your inquiry to Zeiss.
The new Batis 2/ 40 CF is an extreme versatile lens with amazing performance. We put all correction possibilities into it which help to achieve this performance through all distances. But nevertheless there was some weaqkness left. Especially towards close focus. That is the reason the aperture closes automatically . So this is not a bug or coincidence. We've just missed to communicate this issue.
At the moment we work on a firmware update to improve it and the performance in Eye AF mode.
As soon as this is approved from Sony you will be able to upload this via camera body.
We will inform all customers accordingly. I personally think that this will happen around end of Feb 2019/ beginning of March.
For further details, please do not hesitate to contact us!

  • eggry 2019/01/08 22:15

    오래도 걸리네요;;


  • T1&P1 2019/01/08 22:21

    eyeaf 만 수정된다로 한줄요약


  • 멋쌩이 2019/01/08 22:27

    제 생각엔 조여지는 조리개를 화면에 표시되도록 패치될거 같네요


  • 타누키 2019/01/08 22:39

    에구....ㅜㅜ 조리개는 그냥 가나요. ㅎㄷ

