유머천국 코하비닷컴

M10의 센서가 SL, Q와 다르다는 결과가 나왔습니다.

출처는 라이카루머스
상세자료는 www.reidreviews.com에서 1년짜리 subscription으로만 공개 가능하네요...
어디선가에서 토론한 것 보니, 어떤 사람들은 결국 (별도 주문한) 소니 센서 아닌가 하는 의문을 적은 리플도 있었네요.
The sensor inside the Leica M10 is not the same as the sensor in the Leica SL
After publishing his Leica M10 review last week, Sean Reid (www.reidreviews.com) posted a new article comparing the color, resolution and noise performance (at various ISO levels) of the Leica M10, M 240 and SL cameras. With Sean's permission, I will share two conclusions from his review (Reid Reviews accepts no advertising and is supported by subscriptions only):
•The Leica M10 has about a 1.5 stop high ISO advantage over the Leica M 240. Keep in mind that the differences in noise levels, at very high ISO, between the SL and M10 are not only due to sensor differences. The size of each camera’s body, and thus its ability to dissipate heat, is also an important factor.
•The Leica M10 and Leica SL do not h에이브이e the same sensor and Sean's test results clearly show that (hint: the SL has better performance at very high ISO).
I will do some comparisons between the Leica M10 and Leica Q later this week and will post them online.
  • 유병언 2017/01/25 22:02



  • withfox/고방원 2017/01/25 22:37

    모델별로 발주를 할만큼 재정적으로 넉넉한 회사는 아니고 제 사견으로는 노이즈 패턴이 이전 모델들과 비슷한걸로 보아 엔진을 조금 손본 것으로 보입니다.


  • ssilva 2017/01/25 22:38

    저도 포로새싱에......



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