유머천국 코하비닷컴

EOS R의 DR는 5DMk4와 거의동일 하거나 -0.2EV (EV 13.2~13.4)

I h에이브이e measured the dynamic range from the RAWs. It seems that the EOS R exactly matches the 5D4 performance, except at ISO 100, where it has around 0.2 EV less dynamic range compared to 5D4. Maybe not that bad taking into account that the sensor is now permanently switched on. EDIT: that could merely be related to sample variation (I just h에이브이e seen that the 5D4 analyzed also showed 0.2 EV less DR in some files).
Here it follows the results, in the same units used by DXO (normalized). Between parenthesis, for comparison, the values from the 5D4 (got using exactly the same measurement procedure from this forum post, with this data).
ISO 100
FRO_0007 - 13.46 EV (13.60)
FRO_0150 - 13.25 EV (13.61)
FRO_0181 - 13.42 EV (13.61)
ISO 250
FRO_0078 - 12.91 EV
ISO 400
FRO_0230 - 12.99 EV (12.99)
ISO 3200
FRO_0201 - 10.97 EV (10.98)
ISO 6400
FRO_0362 - 10.13 EV (10.24)
ISO 10000
FRO_0380 - 9.48 EV
Since likely both cameras also share the same physical base ISO (the real ISO related to the labeled ISO 100) the comparison is fair.
The ISO 100 and 6400 pictures were underexposed, but that has been accounted for (assumed always a max saturation of 16383). These results are from the green channel (the EOS R has different read noise in each channel, just as the 5D4 did, likely due to some white balance correction done in the RAWs, which Canon never did in the past and neither has done in the 1DX2 -at least to this degree-).
The EOS R has a "masked" left area (the photodetectors at the left not exposed to the light) of 144 pixels width, compared to 136 in the 5D4. Same for the top (46 compared to 42). So maybe this sensor could be a new design (with similar technology, though). For those that h에이브이e not heard about them, these extra pixels are not used by all manufacturers, but are a good habit from Canon, because allow good raw converters to improve the noise characteristics.
The 6D2 achieves 11.90 EV of dynamic range at ISO 100 with this same test. So Canon continues 1.55 EV above the old tech, but still 1.45 EV under my A7R3 results (14.85 EV). Come on Canon... you h에이브이e done only just half of the job!. Meanwhile Sony did upped their performance (the A7R2 topped at 13.90 EV, same sensor as A7R3 but with poorer electronics).
For those interested, these results can be obtanined by downloading this tool and running e.g.:
C:> dcraw -E -4 -j -t 0 -s all FRO_0007.dng
C:> hraw mskstats -i FRO_0007_0.pgm -m 144 46 -c G
ReadNoise=2.73998 DR@30=12.4628 DR@8=13.4246 file { FRO_0007_0.pgm }
image { mean=654.274 min=489 max=15979 } left mask { mean=511.006 min=491 max=531 crop=68x4492+2+50 }
(to know the width/height of the masked areas, a trick is to edit the pgm with gimp and boost the brightness to 125 and contrast to 124).
RAW 샘플가지고 한 것이라고 합니다.
ISO100에서만 5DMk4보다 3번 평균적으로 모두 -0.2EV 모자름...(괄호값이 5DMk4)
나머진 오차범위내....
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경쟁 A7R3 (EV 14.85)에 비하면 아직은....
차기 고급기종은 고화소 바디로 나올탠대 어떤 센서가 될지...더 궁금해지네요.
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(신센서? or 5Ds 사골센서? 기대는...안드로매다로 ㅜㅜ)
그런점에서 후속 기대하시기보다 이번 예판에 올인하시는게 똑똑할지도....
  • 쿠치팟치 2018/09/10 19:46

    그 스펙은
    오막포는 A7R3 까지 갈 것도 없고
    A7R2 보다 오막포가 나쁩니다
    A7M2 보다 오막포가 좋고요
    결국 캐논은 사골로 승부하는 것이죠
    기술이 없거나
    그래도 잘 팔리니까
    둘 중 하나죠


  • 사진산책 2018/09/10 20:37

    그래서 잘 팔리니까가 맞지 싶네요.
    사실상 별 감흥없는 스펙의 미러리스에도 구입하겠다고 줄서는 유저분들이 많은가 깉으니. ㅜㅜ


  • 화면가득 2018/09/10 20:33

    오막포 센서면 괜찮은거죠


  • EOS-1R 2018/09/10 20:50

    유투브에도 이번 행사 영상이 조금씩 올라오나 봅니다
    방금잔 최마태, 서울리안 영상을 봤는데요 음 확실히 영상쪽에서는 아쉬운점이 큰 것 같네요


  • Mr.B™ 2018/09/10 20:53

    R3와 경쟁이라니.. 누구의 의견입니까; 알쓰리가 어이없어 하겠네요..


  • Bluesie. 2018/09/10 21:09

    뭐 그래도 불과 오막삼 육두막까진 11.X 12.초반 이었던거 생각하믄 EOS R 정도면 가격대비 정말 괜찮긴 하네요



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