오긴 오려나 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
포르쉐 911 터보 S
그리고 싱어 포르쉐
가격은 싱어 포르쉐가 더 비쌈 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
돈 걱정 없는 시대가 오면 갖고 싶은 차 두 대.
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- 교자만두™ | 2017/09/02 15:37 | 4946
역시 뽀르쉐 넘나 이쁜것 ㅠㅠ
넘나 예쁜 것 ㅠㅠ
2를 지르심이~ 더 쫄귓한 참개구리 같네요.
전통의 964 포르쉐를 재해석했쥬 ㅎㅎㅎ 964 포르쉐가 워낙 대표적인 차종이라 ㅎㅎㅎ
근데 에어 인테이크를 보니 터보는 아닌것 같고 자연흡기죠?
Our engines are completely disassembled then meticulously blueprinted, balanced and hand-built using new or state of the art components. Customers are offered a choice of three engines, each with a unique output and character, designed to match the dynamics of their car.
엔진 세 가지 중에 한 가지 고르면 된다고 합니다.
Our 350BHP 3.8L normally aspirated, Porsche flat-six engine was developed in partnership with race-engine manufacturer Cosworth. It is hand-built in California by Ed Pink Racing Engines to exact tolerances, and benefits from state-of-the-art breakthroughs in intake design, cylinder head, piston, cylinder and rod design, plus fuel injection and engine management advances. We feel it to be a wonderful compromise between a high-revving, high horsepower Porsche racing engine and a torque rich, tractabledurable engine for the road. An optional nickel plated Air intake plenum is 에이브이ailable for the 3.8L.
Our 390BHP 4.0-liter engine grew from the DNA of our 3.8L Cosworth engine and has been meticulously developed by the engineers at Ed Pink Racing Engines to create our ultimate incarnation of the normally aspirated flat-six. With a 7,200 RPM redline this engine is a monster in the best sense of the word and imbued with heroic levels of torque – around 315lb/ft, and thrilling peak power output tantalizing close to 400hp. As with all our engines it retains the case of the 964 and employs a bespoke crankshaft, oil pump, pistons, cylinders, connecting rods, cams, cylinder heads, throttle bodies and intake system. Performance is extreme with 60mph and 100mph arriving in sub 3.3 seconds and 8.2 seconds respectively.
The 300BHP 3.8L engine is comprehensively rebuilt and blueprinted for maximum efficiency. It retains the standard Bosch Motronic engine management system, exhaust and ancillaries,therefore retains the engine’s original emission calibration
예전 세대처럼 배기 파이프를 꼬아야 할리처럼 털털 거릴텐데..신기하게 중통 중앙으로 두개 머플러를 바로 뽑아버렸네요? 소리가 어떨지 궁금하긴 하네요.
감상하시쥬 ㅋㅋ
배기 들어보니 현대적이긴 하나, 약간의 노스텔지아는 묻어나는것 같네요.
밑에껀 겁나 예쁘네요 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
무슨 엔진룸이 스피커같네
싱어 포르쉐 끝내주죵 ㅋ
저도 2번...클래식하면서도 완전 이쁨..
평생 소장용으로 이 만한 차가 없을 듯요 ㅋ
캬... 멋을 아시네요 ㅠㅠ
멋만 알고 능력은 없네유 ㅠㅠ
2번 이쁜데 1번 구데기
6마이크 지원류
싱어포르쉐 100년 200년 이상의 디자인이네요.