Latest information concerning the CCD sensors of the Leica M9 / M9-P / M Monochrom and M-E camera models
Following the successfully begun and largely completed replacement programme for corroded sensors that affected M9, M9-P, M Monochrom and M-E camera models, we would now like to inform you about how this programme will be handled in the future.
Until 15 August 2017, we will continue to offer free replacement of sensors for these camera models if they are affected by the corrosion problem. This will also apply after 16 August 2017 for the models listed above, but only in cases where the cameras h에이브이e been purchased as new products within the last five years.
From 16 August 2017, and until further notice, we will offer our customers the following new programme for all camera models mentioned above that were purchased longer than five years ago. Here, the customer pays a share of the replacement costs for the affected CCD sensor amounting to 982 euros (825 euros plus 19% VAT). Included in this programme is a free general overhaul* of your Leica M camera and a one year warranty on the same terms as for new products. This offer expresses our commitment to conserving the value of your camera.
We h에이브이e also revised our upgrade offers with more attractive terms for our customers. Instead of a sensor replacement, we offer our customers the alternative option of sending us their camera affected by sensor corrosion in part payment for the purchase of selected Leica M camera models of the Type 240 generation at even more attractive terms. Leica Customer Care will be pleased to inform and advise interested customers about the terms and conditions of the upgraded offer.
With regard to the above, we would like to remind you that the replacement of CCD sensors and the upgrade offers apply only to cameras affected by this concrete problem, and only to the models of the Leica M-System we h에이브이e listed above. Preventive replacement of sensors is not included in this programme.
*The general overhaul of the Leica M-camera includes the following items:
• Cleaning and overhaul of the shutter cocking mechanisms
• Cleaning and maintenance/repair of the multifunction wheel
• Cleaning of the main switch and shutter speed dial
• Adjustment of the baseplate locking system
• Refurbishment of engr에이브이ings
• Renewal of the protective film on the baseplate
• Maintenance/repair of viewfinder displays
대략 요약하면..
올 8/15까진 센서교체가 무료고 그 이후로는 구입일 5년이내만 무료,
5년 지났으면 982유로를 내야한다네요.. 대신 오버홀을 해준다고...
교체된 m9 쓰는데 어째 찝찝하네요;
다들 메일 받으셨나요.. 구형 ccd 센서관련
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- 비담 | 2017/05/16 07:51 | 4925
M9 계열 바디 가격에 영향이 크겠네요.
교체된 바디들이야 크진 않겠지만, 교체 안된 물건들은..
제가 알기로는 CCD는 새로운 센서도 해당 문제가 완전히 해결된 것은 아닌 것으로 알고 있습니다.
아마 이전 CCD보다는 덜 발생한다고 들었어요.
그래서 내용중에도 보시면 982 유로를 지급하고 교체된 CCD는 1년내 동일 증상에 대해
워런티를 해준다는 것 같습니다.
CCD 자체가 원래 열에 약합니다. 드물게는 아예 초기형 CCD 제품에도 문제가 없는 경우도 있습니다만 언제 발생할지 모르는거죠. 수정된 CCD의 가격이 원가가 약 2,000D Euro 한화 약 250만원입니다.
문제는 라이카의 경우 센서의 기술과 전자 기술이 전혀 없어서 타 업체에서 공급받아 옵니다. 센서는 각 센서업체, 디지털 전자 기술은 주로 파나소닉.
이러한 이유로 완벽한 디지털 바디는 사실상 갖추기 힘들다는 것이 제 생각입니다.
끝까지 해줄것처럼 하더니... ㅜㅜ