유머천국 코하비닷컴

(SR4)소니A7sIII바디는 4 월 7 일에발표되지않으며 새로운센서를갖는다?

(SR4) Sony A7sIII will be announced this fall and not at the NAB show. And it will h에이브이e a new innovative sensor!
소스들이나에게 소니A7sIII바디는 4 월 7 일에발표되지않으며 여름이나가을쯤에발표될것이라고말해주었다. 그리고소스들이나에게 A7sIII바디는새로운센서를갖는다고말해주었다. 그것은아마도글로벌셔터센서인것일까? 그러나아직까지는추측일뿐이다.
I finally got some A7sIII time frame info from reliable sources:
Reliable source 1 (he correctly g에이브이e me the 100mm STF rumor 2 years ago).
a7sⅢ will be announced in summer (before October.) Camera h에이브이e new memory stacked sensor. My source says this sensor is great innovation and changes the game. Probably Global shutter?
Reliable Source 2 (correctly g에이브이e me a lens info a year ago)
There will be no “hint” of the a7sIII on April 7. My friend at Sony told me we will see nothing until earliest this Fall.
A couple of months ago Sony said they are taking some time to develop the A7sIII because they want to exceed the customers expectations. I guess that a global shutter sensor would exactly do that. Finally a camera with ZERO Rolling Shutter which for film makers matters a lot!
But like I said, global shutter is just a speculation for now. The only fact is that Sony has launched many APS-C, MFT and smaller global shutter sensor in the past months…so technology must be ready for FF too!
  • 메가쓰론 2019/03/14 02:27

    매번 소식 잘보고 있습니다. 감사합니다.


  • 신라면매운맛 2019/03/14 02:31



  • eggry 2019/03/14 02:28

    올해 내년 정도면 글로벌 셔터일 가능성은 거의 제로


  • 신라면매운맛 2019/03/14 02:35



  • 칠공찡 2019/03/14 02:28

    올해말에 나온다 하더니... 4월7일에는 a7000이나 나왔으면 좋겠네요


  • 서정준 2019/03/14 02:29

    루머스 수준... 글로벌셔터는 왜 계속 언급하는지 ㅎㅎ


  • amysojuhous 2019/03/14 02:35

    글로벌셔터면 완전히 시네라인 잡아먹는건데
    방송사나 프로덕션에 비싸게 팔아먹질 못하는데 ㅋㅋㅋ

