일본에서 파견된 고정 간첩
친일파 개섹기들은 지들이 살아 남기위해
빨갱이들은 영원히 적으로 남아야하며
정권을 잡고 국민들 때려잡기 위해서라도
대한민국과 북한이 친해지는건 어떠한 수단과 방법을 동원해서라도
방해 할것입니다
차는없다2018/05/28 17:41
레인샤워2018/05/28 18:06
One final thought from my few days here in South Korea. In the drama that’s unfolding, we hear a lot about Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. But if there is ever going to be a lasting peace on the Korean peninsula, the person who will deserve the Nobel Peace Prize won't be Trump. It will be South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in.
Over the years, I h에이브이e come across many presidents and prime ministers, and h에이브이e worked with many of their governments. But rarely if ever h에이브이e I witnessed someone as talented, intelligent, humble, and progressive as President Moon. He also has a superb administration, dedicated to fairness, inclusion, and democracy. At this fragile point in time, when Trump and Kim -- two hot-headed paranoids -- could start a nuclear war, the world is fortunate to h에이브이e Moon at the helm in South Korea.
바라지도 않음!!! 그딴 쓰레기 언론엔...
바라지도 않음!!! 그딴 쓰레기 언론엔...
추천 합니다.
한국방문중 통상적인 발언이겠죠 푸틴도 박정희 존경한다는말도 나오는판국에
갑자기 눈물이...아씨...
정확한 표현이네요..
정말 다행이다
이런거 안다루니까
쓰레기지요. 달래 쓰레깁니까
일본 따까리들이라 그런거죠
일본에서 파견된 고정 간첩
친일파 개섹기들은 지들이 살아 남기위해
빨갱이들은 영원히 적으로 남아야하며
정권을 잡고 국민들 때려잡기 위해서라도
대한민국과 북한이 친해지는건 어떠한 수단과 방법을 동원해서라도
방해 할것입니다
One final thought from my few days here in South Korea. In the drama that’s unfolding, we hear a lot about Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. But if there is ever going to be a lasting peace on the Korean peninsula, the person who will deserve the Nobel Peace Prize won't be Trump. It will be South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in.
Over the years, I h에이브이e come across many presidents and prime ministers, and h에이브이e worked with many of their governments. But rarely if ever h에이브이e I witnessed someone as talented, intelligent, humble, and progressive as President Moon. He also has a superb administration, dedicated to fairness, inclusion, and democracy. At this fragile point in time, when Trump and Kim -- two hot-headed paranoids -- could start a nuclear war, the world is fortunate to h에이브이e Moon at the helm in South Korea.
홍준표같은 당대표두 본 적 없을겁니다.