유머천국 코하비닷컴

S5M2 3.00 S5M2X 2.00 펌웨어 업데이트 배포

Compatible with Frame.io Camera to Cloud
- By connecting the camera to the internet via Wi-Fi, you can upload still images and proxy videos directly to the Frame.io platform.
* This does not guarantee all of the functions of "Frame.io Camera to Cloud".
[Proxy Recording] function has been added
- A proxy video with a low bit rate can also be recorded simultaneously during video recording.
[SH PRE] function has been added
- [SH PRE] function has been added, which enables recording of images for the set amount of time even between when the shutter button is pressed halfway until it is pressed fully when taking SH burst pictures.
Automatic detection function has been enhanced
- Tracking and recognition performance of human recognition h에이브이e been improved.
- It is possible to set [Target Parts] and detect eyes for [ANIMAL].
- [CAR] and [MOTORCYCLE] h에이브이e been added to automatic detection.
Enhancement of Image Stabilizer performance
- [HIGH] has been added to the E-Stabilization (Video) function, which electronically corrects large shakes when shooting on the move.
- A perspective distortion correction has been added to correct distortion that tends to occur during video recording when using a wide-angle lens.
Other improvement
- There were cases where coloring such as reddish-purple occurs under certain conditions when shooting in Live View Composite mode. This phenomenon has been fixed.
- Improved operational stability.
저도 하러 갑니다 =3=3
  • 디에이에이에이 2024/04/22 10:42

    엄청 기대중 ㄷㄷㄷ
    저도 바로 하러 갑니다


  • 하늘물총새 2024/04/22 11:42

    드디어 나왔네요
    일단 심각한 문제는 없는지 눈팅 좀 해보고 괜찮아 보이면 바로 업데이트 할 거예요


  • ja2zy 2024/04/22 12:35

    딱히 이상은 없는듯 하고
    동물눈 AF 빠른 칼핀 좋네요.
    인물 AF도 더 좋아졌습니다.


  • 툐갼이 2024/04/22 14:53

    파나소닉아 G9m2도 부탁해요~


  • 총없는경비 2024/04/22 15:13

    쌈빡하게 잘했습니다 ㅎ 파나님. 렌즈도
    좀 해주셔 ㅎ

