유머천국 코하비닷컴

신형 50룩스 루머가 있네요

11 aperture blades (vs. 9 blades for the previous version)
Minimum focusing distance: 45cm (vs. 70cm for the previous version)
Updated optical performance for high-resolution M cameras (as previously reported)
Price: $4,500 for black and $4,800 for silver (same as the previous version!)
Built-in lens hood
Similar design to the new Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH lens
35mm 룩스처럼 최소초점거리 개선이 있네요

  • ★D1X/션~★ 2023/04/10 08:50

    확정이라고 합니다. ㅎㅎ
    가격이 7-800 수준이라고 ㅜㅠ


  • sealmm 2023/04/10 10:35

    그럼 오른거 아닌가요? ㄷㄷ


  • ★D1X/션~★ 2023/04/10 10:38

    100만원 가량 오른거죠

