SOLID RUMOR: I saw the new APS-C E-mount camera: it is NOT named A6xxx and uses the 24MP sensor.
음..새로운크롭바디는 A6xxx바디네이밍이아니며 24MP센서를사용할것이라고하는데 크롭바디는고화소로안갈건가보네요..
Recently I rumored info about this new camera model and divided the rumors between “confirmed” and “Still to be confirmed”. Among the rumors that were NOT confirmed is that it might uses a new 32MP sensor. Well this sensor rumor turned out to be wrong while the “confirmed” rumors turned out to be correct.
I now h에이브이e been able to see the real camera and I am now 100% sure about what I can tell you here:
It uses a 24MP sensor
It’s not really mean as a High End model…but more as a compact VLOGGER E-mount camera
all usual improvement taken a bit from the A7c but in a more compact A5xxx alike shape.
What’s very clear is that it looks liek Sony wants to move the APS-C segment towards VLOGGING like they did with the RX series!
I should be able to tell you more about it soon…
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