유머천국 코하비닷컴


Sony interview at DPreview: Sony A7s alike APS-C camera is a possibility…and yes A7sIII will exceed expectations!
소니의Kenji Tanaka가 인터뷰에서 크롭바디와크롭렌즈를강조할것임을 암시하고있다.
우리는 A7sIII바디에관한 기본적인기대치는알고있으며 기대를뛰어넘는바디를창조하고싶다.
Dpreview interviewed Kenji Tanaka from Sony. Here are some of the most interesting news:
Computational photography: “The next step is we h에이브이e to learn more things from computational photography”
Sony’s answer to low price competition (Canon RP): “I want our technology to be the reason people are attracted to Sony, not the price”
Sony’s advantage over the competition: “Last year we said that speed and AI would be our new technology drivers, and since then other mirrorless companies h에이브이e tried to develop these technologies.”
Full Frame vs APS-C strategy: “Full-frame is the best platform to deliver our technologies. But of course these technologies need to cascade down for APS-C customers. So we will focus on both groups of customers, but [the] timing is a little different. First full-frame, then APS-C.”
About possible APS-C “GM” branded Lenses: “Maybe not as ‘GM’, but high quality lenses are definitely an option [for development]”
APS-C professional market: “Honestly speaking, for still photography, full-frame is [more appropriate] for professionals. But for video, APS-C is good for both amateur and professional customers, because it’s size is close to Super 35mm, [which is a] video Image sensor format.”
APS-C typed Sony A7s is an option: “That is possible, I think. For example, looking at the US market, at the BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera, I think that’s a wonderful product for professionals. Not only for high-end amateurs. The sensor size of that camera is Micro Four Thirds, and [Sony’s] APS-C is bigger.”
A7sIII basic expectations: “The basic expectation is for things like 4K/60, 10-bit 4:2:2. I want to think in a different way and create something that goes beyond the expectations of our customers. It’s easy to add 4K/60, but beyond these specs, a lot of customers h에이브이e other kinds of demands, and that’s what we’re researching.“
Dpreview sums up the interview and says this:
Mr Tanaka did hint at greater emphasis on APS-C in the near future though, including – crucially – the possibility of some high-end lenses to come.
  • Snowleopards 2019/04/05 02:12

    35.8이나 내놔라 이것들아 ㅠ


  • CRimSon™ 2019/04/05 02:14

    It’s easy to add 4K/60, but beyond these specs, a lot of customers h에이브이e other kinds of demands, and that’s what we’re researching.


  • Thomson_studio 2019/04/05 02:54

    but이 굉장히 거슬리네요 4k 60p 쉽게 넣을수 있지만 다른거 더 좋은거 대신 넣는다 의 뉘앙스,,,


  • CRimSon™ 2019/04/05 03:21

    ????????? beyond these specs..........


  • eggry 2019/04/05 02:36

    대단할 거라고만 하지 말고 언제...



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