유머천국 코하비닷컴

Zf 곧 나올건가 봅니다.

Max. shutter: 1/8000s
Shutter selection options: Manual /Electronic/Auto
Black camera body
24.4 MP BSI-CMOS sensor
Weight: 700g (inc. battery, the Z5 is 590g, the Z6II is 615g )
Dimensions: 144mm x 101mm
Up to 30fps (JPG/HEIF)
4k 60 video
USB C PD (fast-charging technology based on the USB-C standard)
ISO 100-64,000 (for comparison the Z6II ISO range is 100-51,200)
EN-EL15 battery
The Z f logo is moved to the left (the Zfc has it on the right)
Dual memory card slots (SD+MicroSD) – this is probably why the first reports came out with only one memory card slot, the second slot could be hidden and be used just like the internal memory on some cameras
Pixel Shift: new high-res mode will be implemented for the first time in a Nikon mirrorless camera
August-September announcement, shipment before the end of 2023
Improved autofocus compared to Z5/Z6II
A few different lens kits/bundles will be 에이브이ailable in the $2,000-$2,500 price range
Price for body only: $1,999
One of the bundles will be with the Nikkor Z 40mm f/2 (SE) lens (no new lens will be introduced with the Zf)
Very similar (but improved) design/layout from the Nikon Zfc
Small LCD screen on top for aperture display
New 3rd function on the sub lever of the shutter speed dial (besides photo/video) for B&W mode (B&W/Photo/Movie)
Has a little grip/bump like the Nikon Df (see the mockup pictures)
Better build quality compared to the Nikon Zfc
Fully articulating screen
Code name N2137
Z6ii보다 성능은 좋을것 같네요.
손떨방 있고
Jpg/heif포멧 30연사
Z6ii보다 약간 무거움
사진상 보면 한손에 착 감김
Sd, micro sd카드 : 카드슬롯위로 작은 슬롯하나더 숨겨졌답니다.
ISO 100-64000
올해 나오고
가격은 200후반
윗면에도 작은 lcd창 있고
Fully articulating screen이 상하좌우 회전하는 소니 lcd랑 같은걸까요?

  • kagemr 2023/08/13 20:44

    너무 무겁네요 가격도 비쌀듯


  • 셔터쟁이Z9 2023/08/13 20:49

    한손에 착 감기는 시제품 영상이 끌리긴합니다.


  • kagemr 2023/08/13 21:12

    잘 나왔으면 좋겠습니다 이것도 망하면 ..


  • 넛팀 2023/08/13 21:36

    엄청난 가성비에 디자인 쩌는 바디가 나오겠네요


  • AMONWARE 2023/08/13 22:44

    플라스틱 바디만 아니길. 전 니콘 쓰는 이유가 짱짱한 바디 마감때문인데...



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