유머천국 코하비닷컴

메모리 용량?

M240모델은 sd메모리가 몇기가 까지 지원되는지요?
그리고 보통 몇기가짜리들 사용하시는지요?

  • choijm0715 2023/07/21 23:54

    간혹 256기가 메모리 가립니다. 128기가 추천드리네요


  • day7 2023/07/22 00:01

    감사합니다 ㅎ
    혹 요즘나오는 m11기종은 더큰 용량을 넣을수 있는지요?


  • KENEAST 2023/07/22 03:01

    512G 까지 지원한다고 합니다.
    • Optimisation to prevent the camera controls from becoming unresponsive after a series of continuous burst photos fills the buffer.
    • The selected user profile will be displayed even when exposure compensation has been adjusted. Exposure compensation is no longer s에이브이ed to the user profile.
    • Memory cards with a capacity up to 512 GB are supported.
    • The default file format settings upon camera reset h에이브이e been changed from “JPG“ to “DNG+JPG“.
    • The time-out period for the last GPS position, when no GPS signal is received, has been extended to 2.5 hours (GPS is not 에이브이ailable with the M 262).
    • It is now possible to display DNG files from the Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) in all zoom steps, also with the M/M-P (Typ 240 and 262).
    • When using SD-cards that are too slow for movie recording, a message appears in the viewfinder display.
    • The list of automatically detectable Leica-M lenses was extended

