The Z8 was described to me as a hybrid camera between the Z7 and the Z9
Similar form factor to the Nikon Z6/Z7
Improved EVF
Improved autofocus
Same sensor as the Z9
Will not h에이브이e all of the Z9 features (obviously)
Announcement expected before the summer
Price in Europe: around €4,500 – not sure if this is for a camera only or for a lens kit (US prices are usually lower)
뭔가 나오긴 하려나봅니다.
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25일을 기다려봅니다
4500유로면 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Z9과 한 100만원 차이 나려나요? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ㅠㅠ
100만원차이도 안날것 같은데요
메리트가 있을지
가격이나 스펙이 소니 A7R5 급인가보네요
Similar form factor to the Nikon Z6/Z7
이대목이 별로네요 바디 폼 팩터도 좀 바꾸면 좋겠습니다