유머천국 코하비닷컴


사진이 멋져서 퍼왔어요^^
앞으로도 국정운영 잘 하시길....
  • ▶◀문재인 2017/06/13 18:22

    하는 짓마다 아마츄어 느낌이 팍팍 나서 정말 걱정입니다
    한달 남짓에 벌서 대한민국의 흥망을 걱정해야 하다니...


  • 깡냉ㅇㅣ 2017/06/13 18:23

    거울보고 자기반성하는자세 좋네요


  • DOT.DOT 2017/06/13 18:24

    님 앞날이나 걱정하세요!


  • 내쇼날오지라픽 2017/06/13 18:25

    박근혜를 격고도 이런말을 하다니...대단하시네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


  • ▶◀문재인 2017/06/13 18:27

    오늘자 사드와 문재인에 대한 월스트리저널의 사설입니다
    이 정권에 대하여 다시 한번 생각해보길 바랍니다
    South Korea’s Defense Blunder
    The new President bows to Chinese pressure on missile defense.
    Moon Jae-in’s decision to suspend deployment of a missile-defense system last week signals how the new South Korean President will approach the threat from North Korea as well as relations with the U.S., China and Japan. Like his center-left predecessors, Mr. Moon wants to play a balancing role between the regional powers and convince North Korea to negotiate an entente. This n에이브이ete puts South Korea’s security in peril.
    The ability of the U.S.-made Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) to protect against missile attacks from the North isn’t at issue. Nor is cost, since Washington is picking up the $1 billion tab. The system is only controversial because China is angry that the radar can peer into its airspace. Beijing is imposing unofficial economic sanctions on Seoul to force it to abandon Thaad.
    Mr. Moon has buckled under Chinese pressure and decided to delay the placement of new launchers for up to two years as his government conducts an environmental assessment. National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong tried to reassure the U.S. that Seoul will adhere to the agreement to deploy Thaad.
    But Mr. Chung’s promise was undermined by an unidentified presidential official who told the media last week that the need for Thaad is “not urgent.” That prompted incredulity among many Koreans, since the North continues to test its missiles almost every week along with apocalyptic threats.
    The Joongang Daily newspaper wrote, “We are absolutely dumbfounded by the remarks,” while the Korea Herald opined, “Given the higher frequency of the North’s missile tests in recent months, the complete deployment of the system is urgent. Anti-missile capability has become a matter of survival for the South.”
    Mr. Moon also tried to reassure Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, who visited Seoul in late May, that he wouldn’t reverse the decision to deploy Thaad. But Mr. Durbin came away even more concerned about the new President’s plans. “It’s my fear that he thinks—I hope I’m wrong—that [Moon] thinks that South Korea has a better chance working with China to contain North Korea than working with the United States,” he told the Washington Examiner.
    Anything short of dismantling the Thaad radar and the two sets of launchers deployed by the previous government is unlikely to appease Beijing. Abroad and at home, Mr. Moon’s attempt to please everyone is bound to backfire. Meanwhile, North Korea may be emboldened to escalate its missile and other military provocations to test the new administration.
    Mr. Moon still has time to fix his mistake before he meets President Trump in Washington later this month. Environmental assessments can and should be waived when national security is at stake. If Thaad doesn’t satisfy that requirement, it’s hard to imagine what does.
    Appeared in the June 13, 2017, print edition.


  • 디비딥~ 2017/06/13 18:27

    끄지라 ~!!!!!!!!!


  • 블루지니™ 2017/06/13 18:30

    해석해줘요 ㅋ


  • 바이스로이 2017/06/13 18:37

    읽어보니 문재인 잘생겼다네요 ㅋㅎㅎ


  • 돈벌어언제집사지 2017/06/13 18:40

    그럼 어떻게 해야 프로다운 대통령 역할을 수행하는 겁니까?
    대안을 제시하시고 비판하시면 님의 의견도 충분히 받아들일 수 있습니다.
    이런 식을 답글은 더 비아냥만 들을 뿐입니다.
    어떻게 해야 제대로 대통령을 수행하는 겁니까?


  • 나라맨™ 2017/06/13 18:42

    응 꺼져


  • 老龍™ 2017/06/13 18:46

    잘할거 같다는데요? ㅋㅋ


  • 「L」 2017/06/13 18:56

    뭐라 씨부려도 503만 하겠냐? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    맘껏 짖어라 짖어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


  • leslie.. 2017/06/13 18:57

    월스트리트저널은 기본적으로 경제지이고, 보수우파 성향을 띕니다.(그렇다고 막나가는 건 아닙니다만)
    당연히 사드배치에 태클을 걸고 있는 문재인정부는 미국 보수 우파 입장에선 귀찮은 골치거리죠.
    문재인정부가 잘하고 있다는 뜻입니다.
    미국인이신게 아니라면 미국보수우파 신문평대로 한국 대통령을 평하실 일은 없겠죠.
    뭐 딱히 아이디만 봐도 걸러야 될거 같긴 합니다만


  • 슬픈수염의기사 2017/06/13 19:01

    글쓴이 생각이 내 생각과 같네요


  • 박광자 2017/06/13 18:24



  • 돈벌어언제집사지 2017/06/13 18:37

    이건 좀;;;;;;;

