유머천국 코하비닷컴

세상에서 가장 못생긴 여자

메리엔 비븐 이라는 거인병이 있는 여인이었는데

남편이 죽고 나서 4명의 아이들을 먹여 살리려고

못생긴여자 콘테스트에 나가게 됩니다.

거기서 세상에서 가장 못생긴 여자가 되고

나중엔 서커스에서 공연을 하게되죠.

돈벌기위헤서 사람들 앞에서서 비웃음을 당하게 되죠.

1933년에 돌아가셨다고 하네요.

외모를 너무 중요하게 생각했던건 예전이나 지금이나 변하지 않았네요.

하지만 아이들을 위해 희생한 엄마의 삶은 아름답지요.





She is Mary Ann Bevan who was known as the "ugliest woman in the world" but when you know her life you'll call her the "most beautiful person in the world."
Mary Ann suffered from acromegaly due to which she had abnormal growth and facial distortion.
After the death of her husband, with no breadwinner in the house, accumulating debts and financial needs of her 4 children she decided to enter the humiliating contest and won the offensive title of "ugliest woman in the world" later she was hired by a circus, toured different cities where people came to laugh and humiliate her.
She endured the ridicule of others in order to raise her children and give them a better quality of life. She died in 1933.
To this day, society judges people on their physical appearance, if our eyes could see souls instead of bodies, Mary Ann would h에이브이e been the most beautiful woman in the world.
  • 안개속청람 2021/11/24 00:41

    자식을 먹이고 키울수 있게 내 못생김을 사준다면 그건 모욕적일것 하나도 없지요.


  • 우레아 2021/11/24 03:03

    저 분은 키라도 크지


  • 제로나인 2021/11/24 06:36

    당신은 못생겼어요. 예쁘지 않아요.
    하지만 아름답네요.


  • 빅토르초이 2021/11/24 08:21

    이 세상에 못생긴 사람은 많으나 못생김으로 돈을 받고 그 돈으로 가족의 생계를 꾸릴 수 있으면
    이 또한 좋은 일 아닐까요?
    2등 못생긴 사람은... 못생긴건 똑같은데 돈도 못 벌고...ㅠ.ㅠ


  • NeoGenius 2021/11/24 09:11

    30억... 그분의 연기도 정말 복잡미묘한 심경이 다 담겨 있었습니다


  • 쌀떨어졌어 2021/11/24 10:14

    못생김도 재능 기부가 되나요?

