유머천국 코하비닷컴


Totally wild A7IV specs rumors
A7IV바디소문이추가되었는데 이전바디보다화소증가는진짜인것같기도하네요
The reliable info I got about the Sony A7IV is:
launch in October (if chip supply permits this)
Newly developed 33MP sensor
5.5 stops of IBIS (+ AS)
I will now share this I got recently from an Asian source. This part is completely non confirmed and I don’t know yet if it’s correct. Hope other reliable sources can read this and tell me if it’s correct:
I h에이브이e a a7iv on my table right now. 33mpx. 4k60p FHD 240p. 10fps. Huge buffer. World Fastest AF. ** GPS on camera. ** New HDR processing, similar results with smartphones.
What do you think about those yet-to-be-confirmed specs?
  • [α7s3]GomPhoto 2021/08/31 01:40

    세계에서 가장 빠른 af라니 ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ


  • CRimSon™ 2021/08/31 01:44

    3300만 화소
    FHD 240P
    졸 큰 버퍼
    World Fastest AF??????
    GPS 내장
    스마트폰 같은 HDR


  • HB2 2021/08/31 02:20

    와, 여러가지 니즈를 다 충족시키는 바디네요.

