The Canon EOS R5c is coming in Q1 2022 [CR3]
내년에 r5c바디가발표될것이라고들었다. 원래는올해였으나 딜레이된것으로보인다. r5바디와는다르게 액티브쿨링과 다른폼팩터와 더많은비디오코덱과 full-size HDMI port를갖는다고들었다.
Last year we received the first reports of a videographer focus EOS R5 camera named the Canon EOS R5c. I h에이브이e now received multiple confirmations that such a camera is in the pipeline.
The announcement and release date h에이브이e apparently been pushed back to Q1 of 2022. Originally we were told that an announcement around NAB in October was possible, but it looks like it has been pushed back. I do think Canon would like products announced and shipping within 60 days of the announcement.
What do we know about the Canon EOS R5c?
It’s an EOS R5 with active cooling, a slightly different form factor, and more codecs for video recording. The camera will also come with a full-size HDMI port.
Keep in mind that most of the specifications from the Canon EOS R5 will carry over to the Canon EOS R5c.
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