유머천국 코하비닷컴


Now that’s cool: Sigma also patented a new 50mm f/1.2 FE lens design!
새로운시그마f/1.2렌즈의 특허가출원중이라고하네요..실제로나오면좋을것같네요
There is a new Sigma patent that will make you jump pf the chair :)
It describes the design of three f/1.2 fast 50mm, 40mm and 35mm primes for Full frame mirrorless camera. Now, we already got the 35mm f/1.2 so I am pretty confident that we will also get this new 50mm f/1.2.
The third design describes the 40mm f/1.2 but I am unsure if this one will be made for real.
Here is the 50mm f/1.2 lens design with specs:
Focal length: 50.99 mm
F no: 1.25
2ω : 45.97
Image height: 21.63 mm
Lens length: 154.20 mm
Here is the 40mm f/1.2 lens design with specs:
Focal length: 41.35 mm
F no: 1.26
2ω : 57.17
Image height: 21.63 mm
Lens length: 157.00 mm
Compared to the current Sigma 35mm f/1.2 FE lens this new 50mm FE would be nearly 2cm longer. Quite a beast!

  • 허거걱스 2019/11/15 23:34

    50mm 1.2는 나오면 사고 싶네요. 다만 색수차가 관건인것같습니다.
    35mm 1.2는 색수차가 만족스럽진 않아 보이더라고요.


  • Mr.B™ 2019/11/16 06:18

    50/40 둘다 1.2를 뽑는다는건 참 ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ 걍 절충해서 45.2로 하지 ㅋㅋ 선택의 폭이 넓어서 좋긴하지만 솔직히 크게 차이없는 화각..


  • A7M3_올라인 2019/11/16 13:57

    아마 시네렌즈로까지 개발을 하려는 목적인거같습니다 ㅎㅎ 45mm는 아무래도 많이 애매하니 ㅠㅠ



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