유머천국 코하비닷컴

영국, 벌레 로 만든 햄버거 첫 시판

A trendy ‘urban farm’ in London is serving up burgers made from live worms, claiming that they are tastier than beef burgers and will help s에이브이e the planet.
Horizon, an insect farm in London, produces thousands of worms and crickets for its customers to eat.
It claims to use leftover food from local businesses to feed the insects, including Mealworms, and says that the worms only require 10% of the land used for beef, and produce far less CO2.
‘Experimental chef’ Tiziana Di Costanzo, the founder of the ‘farm’, says that the insects h에이브이e a ‘nutty to earthy fl에이브이our’, and claims that she can produce enough worms to feed her family with just bran and used vegetable peel.
“Let them crawl into your menu once, and you’ll be hooked! Costanzo said, adding that “Once you get past the ‘yuck effect’, you’ll find that they actually taste really good.”
“We are hoping to scale up the operation to a production of 100kg per week in the next 6 months, all of this with zero waste” Costanzo added.
The craze for eating insects stems from UN guidelines that “promote insects as a sustainable high-protein food.”
The London insect farm is holding events to teach people how to cook with worms and crickets. Dishes include the afore mentioned burger, as well as cricket bruschetta, curry and coriander mealworm fritters, crispy chocolate mealworm cupcakes and cinnamon and raisin insect biscuits.
No thanks.
  • ((|))양파 2019/11/07 20:13

    밀웜이네요 ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ


  • 된장워리어 2019/11/07 20:14

    worm 이죠 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ


  • ((|))양파 2019/11/07 20:15

    제가 타란튤라를 10여마리 이상 키웠는데
    저걸 먹이로 줬거든요


  • 된장워리어 2019/11/07 20:18

    ㄷㄷㄷ 사진만 봐도 무섭네요


  • ((|))양파 2019/11/07 20:18

    밀웜도 바글 바글한 사진 있는데 보여드려요?


  • 타이밍™ 2019/11/07 20:14

    군침도네요 ㄷㄷㄷ


  • 된장워리어 2019/11/07 20:34

    쌀밥이 최고


  • 런치컨트롤 2019/11/07 20:23

    밀웜은 대체식량


  • 압수수섹 2019/11/07 20:32

    번데기도 먹는데 뭐..



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