유머천국 코하비닷컴

미국판 힘쎈여자 도봉순 (실사임)

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‘Supergirl’ Bends Bars to Free Trapped Fawn


Chloe Dorsey was out for a jog near Atlanta when she saw a baby deer trapped in the bars of a fence. She used her bare hands to pry open the bars and free the fawn. Then, unbelievably, the fawn got stuck again in another fence. Chloe came to the animal’s rescue a second time. “I was scared for it, and I think it was scared of me,” she told Inside Edition. She credits her feat of strength to adrenaline.



진짜 힘쎈 언니 임... 

근대 저런 일이 자주 있나봄 

  • 온리스타 2019/10/12 14:37

    참고로 미국에서 리메이크 하는 힘센여자 도봉순의 주인공은 론다 로우지임

  • 과도한욕심 2019/10/12 14:38

    tag : stuck in wall

  • 온리스타 2019/10/12 14:37

    참고로 미국에서 리메이크 하는 힘센여자 도봉순의 주인공은 론다 로우지임


  • 과도한욕심 2019/10/12 14:38

    tag : stuck in wall

