유머천국 코하비닷컴


(SR5) Surprise: Sony A9II to be announced TODAY!
The past 24 hours I got conflicting rumors about the A9II announcement date. First we heard Sony will h에이브이e an even on October 23 in NYC. That’s quite logical as they will h에이브이e a special 3 days event near the PhotoPlus show.
But one source insisted that the A9II announcement will happen TODAY. I didn’t really post this because I had no confirmation until yet: Few hours ago also Nokoshita reported
“that it seems that preparations for the presentation are in progress.”
So it might be that Sony announced the camera today with hands-on presentation on October 23.
UPDATE: Confirmed: Another reliable source confirmed it! The Sony A9II will be announced within 24hours!
  • 〃제피르〃 2019/10/03 14:41

    오늘이라니 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ


  • 아레스99 2019/10/03 15:13



  • 먹는사람 2019/10/03 15:22

    a9가격 떨어지면 구입해야겠어요...II는 무리..ㅠ,ㅠ.


  • 푸르푸르링 2019/10/03 15:24



  • 김포도도남 2019/10/03 15:26



  • 멋쌩이 2019/10/03 15:28

    제목만 보셔도 됩니다

