Is this a teaser for a new Sony 8K mirrorless camera or camcorder?
4 월 7 일에발표되는소니의신제품은무엇일까? 우리는새로운소니8k코덱이런칭될것이라고들었으며 이것을갖는다는RX바디에관한확인되지않은(SR3)소문도들었다. 그리고독자가중국의Weibo에서 소니8k미러리스바디에관한주장이나왔다고말해주었지만지금은제거된상태이다. 쨋든 4 월 7 일에발표되는소니의신제품은A7sIII바디는아닐듯하며 아마도그것은새로운8K캠일거라고생각된다.
We know that Sony will h에이브이e a new product launch event on April 7. And we heard that a new Sony 8k codec will be unveiled. We also heard unconfirmed info (SR3) about a new Sony RX vloggers camera using the new codec. The A7sIII seems likely to be NOT announced at the show (best we can hope is to get some early prototype info).
Today one of my readers sent me this text and image:
A very well-known and highly respected cinematography channel in China posted this photo saying it’s shot by a 8K 25P camera. And then they said on Weibo that it’s a Sony mirrorless camera. Then they deleted everything before the internet stirs. I couldn’t get a screenshot from their Weibo account saying it’s a Sony mirrorless. I’m not quite sure what’s happening here.
Don’t think this is for the A7sIII. Maybe this is a new 8K camcorder…
4 월 7 일에발표되는소니의신제품은무엇일까?
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