Yesterday a trusted source confirmed both the 16-35mm f/2.8 GM and the 135mm FE lens are due to be launched this year. Today a new source shared few more details that I think could be correct:
There’s almost no chance the new 135 GM will be anounced together with 16-35 GM. The zoom is ready right now and the 135 is still being developed. We are pretty sure we will h에이브이e to wait AT LEAST 3 months.
What is almost sure for about FE 135 GM:
– lack of stabilization
– weather sealed
– aperture is still a question but for now we can say it will be f/1.8 for 80% chance. There were ideas that it should be even f/1.4 as the target of the new lens is to be a killer for other portrait lenses but PERSONALLY I don’t give big chances on that. The value of f/2.0 is rather impossible.
Thanks Source!
16-35GM이 먼저발표되고 후에(최소 3개월) 135GM발표
밝기는 1.8로 예상
루머가 이제 막 나오기시작해서 내년쯤이나 생각했는데 생각보다 빠르네요.
물론 루머라서 크게 기대하지는 않습니다.ㅎㅎ
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어쨌든 바티스보단 쌀거라는거....
700-800g으로 나와주면 베스트
1키로 넘어가면.... 으으으으으으으음
1키로는 넘지않을까요?
135/2.8 나온다고 공식발표된거 아니었나요?
그게 바티스아닌가요‥이건fe소니gm인거같은데요